Jenn Vande Zande

Editor in Chief, The Future of Commerce

SAP Customer Experience

Get in touch:

Jenn’s an experienced writer, editor, and strategist, and is the Editor in Chief of The Future of Commerce + Customer Engagement, an industry award-winning site.

She’s a contributor to some of the biggest names out there, including Forbes, and Inc., as well as a TEDxMoorgate host. She’s also a Circklo Business Configurator Academy mentor, where she takes incubator candidates on a journey to demonstrate to them the power of words, relevant content, and how intelligent, targeted, and purposeful thought leadership analysis can elevate the credibility, reputation, and long-term success of any start-up.

She’s worked with brands to provide strategic planning, thought leadership, SEO guidance, copy and marketing content, technical writing, corporate communications, and grant writing. She donates her time to several non-profits, assisting with their strategic planning, messaging, social, and branding efforts.

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